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Meet Dr. Matheson

Dr. MethesonAs children, Dr. Matheson and his siblings wondered why they never got to miss school like so many of their friends often did, claiming to be too sick to attend classes. “My dad’s answer was simple: ‘regular chiropractic treatments would keep us healthy’.” Dr. Matheson’s father taught his children the power that made the body heals the body. “He did a fantastic job of keeping all seven of us kids extremely healthy without drugs.”

“I never really thought much about being a chiropractor (like my dad, who was very well respected), because I believed I wanted to be in a career that was more ‘worldly’ than being just a local chiropractor. In 1973 I returned home after having lived and worked in British Columbia for several years, to the somewhat shocking realization that my dad, who had built a successful practice, would be retiring in a few years, without anyone to leave it to. And the perks were too good to be true – He made a good income, was his own boss, worked in clean conditions, took holidays when he wanted to, loved his work & never worried about getting a pink slip one day.”

Dr. Matheson decided right then and there to spend some time in his dad’s office while he was working, to try and get a feel for what he went through on a day-to-day basis. It turned out to be a life changing experience, to say the least! After 2 short weeks, Dr. Matheson decided to return to university at 25.

Dr. Matheson was accepted immediately at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC) in Toronto, the same college his father graduated from in 1951. He was captivated by the material, with anatomy and physiology classes being his favorites. Graduating magna cum laude in 1977, he entered practice with his proud dad in June of that year.

To stay abreast of the latest in research and other developments in chiropractic, Dr. Matheson has attended many varied seminars (Chiropractic Sports Sciences, Chiropractic Pediatrics, Chiropractic Ergonomics and several different technique courses) over his 40 years of service.

Dr. Matheson is passionate about posture, having graduated from an extensive online course of approximately 25 hours, after successfully passing the 5 required exams. It resulted in a serious shift in his focus on caring for the health of his patients!

Almost every single human being in our society has poor or failing posture. What’s particularly important to me is the stack of research proving just how serious this is concerning our health, especially as we age. Kids these days have the worst posture in my opinion, of any generation because of their dependence on digital devices, lack of physical exercise, etc., so that’s where I hope to be able to make a huge difference.”

Dr. Matheson is also genuinely concerned about the decreasing overall health of our society, most of which science has proven to be lifestyle based, a fact that is hardly ever being addressed by the medical establishment. That’s why he particularly enjoys working with babies and kids to help get them on a path to a lifetime of better health.

He has proudly served as a director on both the provincial (Ontario Chiropractic Association) and federal (Canadian Chiropractic Association) boards as chairman of public relations.

Outside the Practice

When he’s not at the practice, Dr. Matheson spends most of his free time in the summer doing yard work & babysitting his koi pond. In the winter he enjoys woodworking, but “I struggle to be a gourmet cook year round.” Dr. Matheson is the proud father of his beautiful daughter Tara, who is married and has two perfect little girls, Carrera and Blake.

For Dr. Matheson, health is his highest, personal priority to ensure a great quality of life as he ages (hoping to make it to 107). “I make it a point to see my own chiropractor every 2 weeks or so, and frequently even that’s not enough. Since my work is very physical, repetitive strain injuries are common, and they require professional intervention if I’m to continue working at my current pace.”

Dr. Matheson also works out at least 3x a week weight training at Ironworks gym, 2x/w at home doing HIIT training on his elliptical & walking 1/2 hr every other day. He also eats healthily: lots of water, loads of friendly fats, low carb foods, grass fed protein, 6-10 servings of fruits/ vegetables each day and tries to avoid consuming any trans fats.

Never having had a vaccination, Dr. Matheson has taken few if any antibiotics in most of his 72+ years. “I’ve missed only one day of work because of sickness. I don’t take aspirin; I give thanks daily and am extremely grateful for all God has given me, especially my healthy, fantastic family, great staff, wonderful patients, and career in chiropractic.”

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Contact motus HEALTH today to schedule an appointment.


Dr. Matheson | (519) 332-4222