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A Year in the Life: Dr. Matheson's Journey at motus HEALTH

Embracing a New Chapter

Dr Matheson and Dr WhiteIt’s been an exciting year for Dr. Matheson since he joined the team at motus HEALTH after selling his practice. Leaving behind the administrative headaches and business concerns, he’s found a new sense of freedom and joy in focusing solely on what he loves most – spending time with his patients – yes, that means you!

A Fresh Perspective

Dr. Matheson often jokes about how the “gibberish” in his head has finally cleared up. Without the constant hum of business matters, he’s been pleasantly surprised by just how much he enjoys the simple, profound pleasure of patient care. His days are now filled with meaningful interactions, and he’s relishing every moment.

Teaming Up with Dr. Erin

One of the highlights of this past year has been working alongside Dr. Erin. The dynamic duo has found great synergy in their collaborative approach, sharing insights and advising each other on cases. Their combined experience brings a wealth of knowledge to the practice, benefiting all their patients.

Pickleball Passion

When he’s not in the office, Dr. Matheson has discovered a new addiction: pickleball. At 76 years young, he’s hitting the courts for 14-16 hours a week! This newfound passion keeps him active and engaged, proving that age is just a number. He’s having a blast playing, and we might just share some fun pictures of him playing with his grandkids in our next blog post – stay tuned!

Dr. Matheson is thrilled to be part of the motus HEALTH family, and he can’t wait to continue this journey with all of you. Stay tuned for more updates and fun stories from his life, both inside and outside the practice!


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